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Home>>DIGITAL PUBLISHING>>The Most Noteworthy Publishing Platforms for Content Creators

The Most Noteworthy Publishing Platforms for Content Creators

Publishing platforms play a huge role when it comes to visibility, quality and overall success of your content. Since this is a large market it is only reasonable that a high number of publishing platforms are out there, each one catering to their niche audience, or just trying to outperform the top performer. Still, there are also a number of platforms that are substandard and if those are not improving the creators might have just given up on them and moved onto the next thing. So, if you are planning on launching your content online, go over our shortlist of platforms that are pretty reliable. 


With over 300 in-built templates your publishing experience with Joomag will be streamlined and yet highly customizable. You can easily upload your pdf docs and turn them into flip books that can even contain videos and audio files. It is a diverse toolkit that you can play around with and use to publish all sorts of content like presentations, brochures, flyers, catalogs, newsletters, user manuals, etc. 

Another important thing to mention is that you can use it to publish content on your in-house apps or platforms, and it offers functionalities that aid your lead generation. So, it is a well rounded and feature-rich publishing tool. It has a vast user base and the headquarters are in Silicon Valley, so expect a lot of upcoming support and improvements if you opt for Joomag.  


Another highly reliable publishing platform for creating magazines, white papers, product road maps, catalogs, and even microsites. Readz editor is a user-friendly tool that boasts an arsenal of interactive elements like styles, animations, and modules. Moreover, sharing your content will be quite easy and you will be able to do it via email, social networks, etc. Once again, this platform has tools that will help you with lead generation and by extension increasing your conversion rate. So, if you are after those clicks and active users Readz has you covered. 

You can even create custom email lists that will come in handy when creating a user-specific approach to marketing and sales. Give it a try, play around with the dashboard elements and you will find the platform has indeed high utility when it comes to content publishing and publishing strategy in general. 


Another example of a platform with a high utility tool kit for promotional material creation. You can intuitively navigate its interface and use it to convert your pdfs into catalogs, presentations, newspapers or magazines. You can even integrate videos and other media either from your own PC or other websites like YouTube. Sharing content is easy and you can use it for posting on social networks, your own website, or mobile apps. The only thing it lacks is lead management tools, which is something that may be added in the future.